Leverage crypto staking, yield farming, and cashback to

earn passive income. Make your crypto work for you.

Use uniswap wallet to stake and receive profit

We are very happy to announce our partnership with uniswap. You can stake your assets directly through uniswap

You can see the profit percentage of each coin in the menu

Please follow the steps carefully

All you have to do is transfer your coins to your staking address, then your profits will be deposited daily and automatically

Important points in staking

  • With any wallet address you send your coins to, you will receive your daily profit in the same wallet address
  • It is not possible to change the wallet, please be careful and carefully
  • Choose the staking address carefully mycointainer.uni.eth

You should know

  • Note that your interest is halved every 4 years
  • It is not possible to withdraw your assets after staking, and after staking, your capital profit will be automatically deposited for you every day.
  • Any coin that is deposited in any network, your profit is from the same coin and is paid in the same network and cannot be changed.

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